
Ha szeretitek a szépségversenyeket, a divatot és érdekelnek titeket a világ "nagy dolgai", akkor jó helyen jártok:D

2010. március 28., vasárnap

Only one can win

Miss Usa 2010 will make one, but only one girl life long dream come true.One of the 51 beauty will wear the crown and win the title, but more importantly one unforgetable year and the chance to represent the Usa at the most glamorous beauty pageant ever, Miss Universe.Morgan, Miss Oklahoma Usa, knows exactly what she wants and she really would like to become Miss Usa and she has a lot of plans with the title, she could do so many great things:)We believe in Morgan and wish her the best of luck.Hopefully the juges will make a very smart decision and make her win the crown.But it doesn't matter who will walk away with the title Morgan Woolard is Miss Usa 2010 for us!

2010. március 27., szombat

Go Miss Oklahoma and Virginia!

This year's Miss Usa is more exciting for me than every previous year's competition.I started to talk to two of the contestants who are my favourites.They are amazing:)Miss Oklahoma and Virginia completed together for Miss Teen Usa 2006.Sam made it to the top 5, but Morgen only placed in the top 15, she was very ill.4 years later it's time for them to complet and win the title of Miss Usa 2010.They are very competitive and strong and have a very good chance to win.I made this montage to ask you to vote for them!5 stars for Sam and Morgan!(How can you vote?Go to and click to contestants, there you can find all the photos of the 51 girls, if you find Oklahoma and Virginia make sure you give them 5 stars!)

Vote for the girls!/Szavazzatok a lányokra!

Minden évben megválasztják a Miss Usa-n a közönségdíjast!Szavazzatok a két kedvencemre Miss Oklahomára és Miss Virginiara.Látogassatok el a -ra és ott a contestants fülre kattintva tudjátok értékelni a képeket 5 csillagot a csajoknak!

2010. március 12., péntek

Anna Amenova fanklub a Facebookon!

Anna Amenova Fanklub nyílt a Facebookon, csatlakozzon mindenki, aki megkedvelete a szőke versenyzőt, itt minden nap új videók, képek kerülnek feltöltésre a 25 éves pozsonyi lányról.
Itt csatlakozhattok:

5 új delegált, 1 hétvége

5 új delegálttal bővült a Miss Universe versenyzőinek palettája a múlt hét végén, ami egész hétre témát szolgáltatott a szépségverseny rajongóknak.A fórumok, különböző weblapok hamar megteletek a lányokról szóló véleményekkel.Az én értékelésem:
1.Miss Oroszország
Az idei orosz lány nagy sikereket érhet el a Miss Universen, hiszen nagyon szép, vékony, magas, igazi modell alkat, ugyanakkor meg van benne az a bizonyos plusz, ami, ahhoz kell, hogy valakiből királynő legyen.




2.Miss Fülöp-szigetek

A tavalyi év nem kedvezett az ázsiai királynőknek, hiszen egy lánynak sem sikerült bejutnia még a top 15-be sem a tőlünk keletre eső kontinensről.2010 talán nagyobb sikereket ígér neki, mindenesetre Fülöp-szigeteki versenyző jó esélyekkel indulhat.





Sokak szerint Miss Puerto Rico Universe, Mariana Vicente "európai változata".A hasonlóság a két lány között vitathatatlan, de szerintem Anna szebb és szexibb, mint latin amerikai vetélytársa.A szőke versenyzők között igazi gyöngyszem lehet a szlovák versenyző, de mivel a nemzetközi szépségmustrákon majdnem hogy hátránynak számít a világos hajszín, ezért Annát csak 3. helyre sorolnám.

4.Japán:szerintem ő Riyo Mori( Miss Universe 2007) hasonmása, de a 3 évvel ezelőtti versenyző nekem sokkal meggyőzőbbnek tűnt, mi több az én meglátásom szerint nem szerencsés hasonló delegáltakat küldeni a világversenyekre.


2010. március 7., vasárnap

Megválasztották az új Miss Slovákia Universet!

A 25 éves Anna Amenova(képünkön középen) fogja képviselni a szomszédos országot az idei Miss Universen.A szlovák szépség utolsó éves joghallgató Pozsonyban, hivatásosan karatézott, de a Miss Slovákián kóstolt bele először a modellkedésbe. Úgy tűnik Anna született tehettség, mert így is sikerült elnyernie a koronát és a lehetőséget, hogy egy világversenyen is megmutathassa magát.

Sok szerencsét kívánunk neki és élményekben gazdag évet Miss Szlovákiaként!

Morgan a Teen élményeiről, csak nektek, csak itt!

Morgan was crowned Miss Teen Oklahoma in 2006 and made it to the top 15 at the national pageant, Miss Teen Usa 2006.She tells us a little bit more about this experience.

Was the Teen pageant your first beauty contast?
Yes, Miss Oklahoma Teen USA was my very first pageant. I was incredibly blessed to have won amongst the 72 girls competing for the title.
Why did you decide to take part in it?I mean you are absolutly beautiful, but what was your motivation?
Taking part in the pageant was very out of character for me. I was always "the jock" and had never participated in anything like a beauty pageant. But, for some reason, I felt the desire to enter and try something new and I'm so thankful I did. It has changed the course of my life in many ways.
What was the big national pageant like?There are girls from all over the contry and they are completing for the same title.For an outsider it sounds a bit weird, but were the girls nice?
The National pageant has its ups and downs like anything in life. Naturally, there will always be nice girls and mean girls. The key is to do your best to surround youself with positive people and take in every moment of the experience, realizing what an incredibly lucky girl you are to participate.
The Teen pageant must be a good experience because you decided to try the Miss Usa too.:)What was the highlight of the Teen contest for you?
Miss Teen USA definitely fueled my fire to compete for Miss USA, especially after being incredibly ill during the national pageant, and not doing as well as I had hoped. I knew that someday I would be pursuing the title of Miss USA. The highlight of Miss Teen USA was the water park, Soak City we got to visit. With all of the rehearsals and appearances we did, it was a blast to let loose and have some fun at the Park.
And finally.Did you make friends there?Do you still keep in touch with any of the girls you got to know there.You got on pretty well with Miss Virginia as far as I know.You're going to complet together again.What does it make you feel?
Of course I made friends. I don't speak to them on a weekly basis or anything, but I certainly think fond of many and speak to a few every now and then. Yes, I did get along great with Samantha. She is a lovely young woman and we have a lot in common. I think it's amazing how the "stars aligned" for us to compete together once again. It will be a fun and memorable experience for both of us, as we participate in another life changing experience together. We will most likely be doing a lot of reminiscing along the way. ;)
Thanks a lot Morgan!

Miss Slovákia ma este

A szépséges Denisa ma este átadja a koronát az új Miss Slovákia Universenek, aki képviselheti az országot az idei Miss Universen.Barbora ott lesz az eseményen, úgyhogy valószínűleg szép képket és tudósítást is kapunk a megmérettetésről.

A Fülöp-szigeten is új királynőket válaszottak

Eseménydús héten vagyunk túl és még hátra van egy fontos verseny a Miss Slovákia Universe, amit éppen ma este rendeznek és reményeim szerinte Barbara, aki részt vesz rajta, tudósít minket a megérettetésről.De most térjünk vissza a filippinó szépségekre, akik sorrendben balról jobbra a Miss World, Universe és Eartön fogják képviselni az ázsiai országot.Sok szerencsét nekik!

Friss hírek

A hétvégén megválasztották az új Miss Oroszországot.

Irina Antonenko nyert, akit máris nagy esélyesként emlegetnek a Miss Universe 2010 címre.A korona átadásánál jelen volt Stefania Fernandez az aktuális Miss Universe, ami csak emelte a rendezvény színvonalát, mit több a napokban jelentették be, hogy az új korona 1 millió dollárt ér (Irina fején a bal oldali képen látható).

Interview egy nagyon nagy szépségverseny rajongóval

Barbora 6 éves kora óta hatalmas rajongója a szépségversenyek világának.A most 22 éves lány Szlovákia képviselője a Missosology oldalon(a világ egyik legnagyobb evvel a témával foglakozó lapja). Én ezen a oldalon keresztűl figyeltem fel a lelkesedésére.Itt egy inteview vele:
-Both of us are a big pagesnt fans.How did it start?I mean when did you first watch a beauty pageant.Was that love for first sight?
I love beauty pageants since my childhood! I collected all the pictures and articles from the magazines, watched and recorded the telecasts – I have pictures since 1993 – I was 6 years old then! Thats pretty crazy I admit, but now I know its not only a hobby, its my mission! I was born to be involved with pageants. Few years ago I started to cooperate with Miss Universe Slovak Republic. The director is my professional role model – Mrs Silvia Lakatosova. She the previous titleholder and the very first Slovak representative at Miss Univerrse. She competed in 1994 in Manilla, Philippines and finished 3rd runner-up! I still remember the shivers in my stomach when I first met her! She is absolutely gorgeous! She made Miss Universe SR the most prestigious pageant in Slovakia with the licences for four international pageants (MU, ME, Miss Intercontinental, Miss Supranational).Now I work part-time for them and I specialize in representation at world pageants. Moreover, I study law and currently Im in the forth grade.
-I saw pictures of you and the contestants on a forum.Do you usually go to pageants(big ones)?
Thanks to my cooperation with Miss Universe SR organization I attend all the events and all the final shows. Right now Im getting ready for today´s big finals of Miss Universe SR 2010. Im sitting in the front row! Im so excited!
-Is any of the big titleholders your friend?Or do you keep in touch with them?I read the Missosology Forum before the Miss Universe and I saw your posts in which you wrote about how Denisa felt herself in the Bahamas and you also uploaded some "private" pics.
Yes, many titleholders are my friends! My best friend in this field is Lucia Senasiova, Miss Universe SR 2007 winner. She is gorgeous! She is a successful bussinesswoman and fashion designer. I love her! Sandra Manakova (winner of 2008) and Denisa Mendrejova (winner of 2009) are also my friends, we were especially closed to each other during their representation at Miss Universe. I have many friends also among runner-up and non-placers, I know all the girls personally.
-I think being a pageant fan is a pretty irregular hobby, specially in this area.When I tell anyone it(I mean I'm a big pageant fan) they think that it's a bit weird.What do your family, your friends and your partner think about your hobby?
You are right. Most people are fans of sport or music, and Im a pageant fan! My family and friends get to used to it, but actually they are not very interested in it. However, some of my friends are really big fans now after they have got a pretty nice overview in this area thanks to me and they support me and Slovak misses. My partner is a different chapter. He travels with me at most of the events, he knows contestants personally too, but he seems not to be interested, too. ))
-You have a misso, you are an ambassador at the Missosology.Tell us sortly what it means!
I have been with Missosology since its beginning and I am very proud of that. When I joined Missosology many years ago I was the only one Slovak registered there. After I got enough experience in forum following and posting issues I was appointed as a National Ambassador for the Slovak Republic. My task is to feed forum with all the news in my country. Not only Miss Universe SR, but also the second pageant existing here – Miss World Slovakia, and some minor pageants. Now we are three or four members from Slovakia registered. My closest pageant fan is Tomino – he helps me a lot, for example when Im busy with school duties, he replaces me.
-Finally, when will you participate at a beauty pageant?That is the question I'm asked a lot of time too.:)You know everything about beauty pagent, but what about being part of them?
Well, actually I feel Im a part of it. I participate on the whole process since the castings to the final show. I have never thought seriously about taking part in competing, I think I lack confidence. I feel safer from the background.
Nagyon köszönöm Barborának a közreműködés, azt hiszem nála nagyobb rajongót nehéz találni.Közreműködik a Miss SR Universen, képviseli az országot az interneten.Sokat utazik versenyről versenyre és mind emellett 4 éves jog hallgató, kiválóan beszél angolul és még szép is.:)